Affiliate Marketing Blog by AMWSO

Affiliate program Tips, support, bonuses and news from merchant affiliate programs managed by the AMWSO Affiliate marketing team.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Trademarks : Restricting and Opening up at the same time

In an interesting move today one of our clients (Emitations) has put into work an interesting spin on Trademark protection within the CPC markets. While on the one hand they have decided that they don't want affiliate partners bidding on a set list of Trademarks and variations on the theme, on the Yahoo PPC system, they have also decided that they do weclome their affiliate partners to bid on them on Google. This should certainly lead to some interesting data being gathered in terms of who can do CPC marketing the most effectively.

So in Short : Emitations (on Shareasale)
  • Yahoo PPC No
  • Google PPC Yes
Contact Patrick to get the full details.
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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sued for cancelled Coupon

This story caught my eye and while I initially chucked, and doubt they will win, I did start to wonder about "what if they win" , how could this effect coupon sites and merchants issuing coupons online where things are far more fluid and the validity of coupons can change quite swiftly or be removed from the database... or even forgotten to add to the database.

Then there's a question of, could coupon sites become responsible for ensuring they are promoting valid coupons, guilty of false advertising if they are not. Could start off an interesting chain of events if the case wins.
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Friday, September 01, 2006

We have some fantastic news for all our affiliate partners this month with the launch of our September Incentive Campaign.

You can Win up to $3,000 by growing your Money Transfer transactions in September 2006.

How does it work? Listen in to find out!

MP3 File
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