Videos for Building Traffic - Why?
You’ve probably already heard (via other blogs/sites/book) that videos can be great traffic building tools, and they that are wonderful at keeping visitors engaged to your site. One of the key factors that Google measures in ranking sites is the on-page time factor. The assumption is the longer people stay looking at a site, the better chance that site is relevant and important to the search they just conducted.
Also, there are tons of people out there that just don’t like reading a whole lot. They’d much rather sit and watch several minutes of video rather than take a minute or so to read a paragraph. If you mix in videos with your other content, you can reach and capture several different “types” of people. I want to really stress this point, without any videos you might not have any opportunity at all to reach a whole segment of potential buyers.
And of course, look at the traffic rankings for the biggest video sites. Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Flickr, Facebook just to name a few. BTW, Flickr is mostly a photo hosting service, but they also host videos. Not everyone takes advantage of Flickr for their videos (great domain authority linking strength).
You don’t have to be Steven Spielberg to make a great compelling video. You don’t even need a video camera. The video I created to advertise AMWSO Affiliate Program Management Services was done completely in Apple Keynote, and the music was a stock piece purchased for a few dollars. Not tot bad for my initial attempt at creating a video, right?
There are several types of videos you can make:
Talking Head Video
This is where you film yourself simply talking and explaining about a product or service (or better yet telling a story that relates to your product). If you’re aim is to build a real community with your site, and you are looking to have returning visitors, using a couple talking head videos can really help build a connection with your audience. If they can see you and hear you, it lends more credibility and trust for your proposition.
Powerpoint or Keynote Type of Video
This is what I did with our AMWSO video. Using Keynote (and I believe for Windows users Powerpoint has similar functions), I put together a presentation with animations and recorded it as a movie. I then found some compelling stock music and edited that in to the movie.
Screen Capture Video
Using screen capture software such as Camtasia or Screenflow (there are other options out there, Google and Bing are your friends), you can walk a viewer through an onscreen process or website. These are great for digital products!
Any Combination of the Three
Don’t limit yourself to one type! You can open up with yourself introducing the video, edit in a presentation/animation, and then close out with a screen capture to explain clearly how a visitor can order the product or service you’re promoting.
There are low cost options to outsource if you don’t feel confident to do the work yourself. Check out There’s a whole section on Fivver dedicated to video. These jobs go for $5, so definitely manage your expectations, but you can find some real gems and segments that you can add in to your videos to really help convey your message or polish it up.
If you don’t want to take the time and effort to learn how to edit videos, check out or to find someone to help out with editing. I’ve know people to get some really great editing work for as little as $15. Hey, if the video helps to drive a few more sales, and helps to generate more quality traffic to your site, that $15 is well worth it.
It’s important not to get too wrapped up into making a perfect video for your first try. Jump in and have a bit of fun with it. Two key points:
- Make sure your sound is the best it can be. People can sit through a glitchy video, but if the sound is bad, they will kill it instantly.
- If you’re demonstrating a product or talking, make sure you have good lighting and can be seen clearly in your video.
In a few days we’ll talk about some more specifics on making a video, post-processing and then promoting it once you have it all wrapped up.
Labels: affiliate management, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing blog, affiliate marketing help, affiliate marketing tips, traffic generation, video
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