Wicked Widget for RSS
And as Blue Peter would say "Here's one we created earlier..."
While I haven't played with it fully yet it does look like you can stack multiple RSS feeds into one widget too...
Affiliate program Tips, support, bonuses and news from merchant affiliate programs managed by the AMWSO Affiliate marketing team.
And that's when it struck me: I looked over all our corporate clients and sure enough, every one has had at least three changes in staff and management in the time we've worked with them! So that's three chances for:
I never really saw OPMs as a "stability" factor in large firms before, but looking at their high turn over rate of staff, it becomes obvious that many firms rely on their outsourced partners (of any kind really) for stability, just as much as they do for their professional skills. An OPM firm can provide continuity in the area of expertise, like for example, AMWSO does for the affiliate channel. It’s a very solid value-add factor which I hadn’t really thought about until now.
Labels: affiliate program management, amwso, OPM, Out sourcing
Labels: affiliate marketing, lifestyle, travel