eComXpo : Smaller but better.
This feels like it is the smallest eComXpo event I have attended so far , both in that there appear to be less exhibitors (thought I count about 120) and it is running for fewer days. That said the first day has been very good and I've picked up better contacts in the first day this year than I did in total at the past shows.
The event this year is kind of split into two sections eComXpo and eTailXpo though the two 'shows' could easily have been combined into one, and were as far as the main navigation was concerned, making it easy to visit exhibitors from both sides of the show.
I've not been to any of the presentations yet, I'll save that for tomorrow.
The event this year is kind of split into two sections eComXpo and eTailXpo though the two 'shows' could easily have been combined into one, and were as far as the main navigation was concerned, making it easy to visit exhibitors from both sides of the show.
I've not been to any of the presentations yet, I'll save that for tomorrow.
Labels: ecomxpo, etailxpo, marketing event
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