Affiliate Marketing Blog by AMWSO

Affiliate program Tips, support, bonuses and news from merchant affiliate programs managed by the AMWSO Affiliate marketing team.

Monday, December 03, 2007

A First for Affiliate Applications on Facebook

I've seen a lot of chatter around about, how will merchants use systems like Facebook for affiliate marketing, or even how will affiliates use it, lots of chatter, little action, until Scott sent me an application he has developed to look at, bingo!

Scott (aka Mallicious) has created a really cool, coupon sharing, snipping and commenting application for Facebook, that allows any user to plug in the coupon system to my profile, share it, share individual coupons, snip coupons for later use and comment them
We are the first social shopping engine to combine coupons, deals and price comparison to help consumers discover deals through their social graph.

Users can quickly and easily create their own deal feed that is automatically combined as "Social Deals" for each of their friends. Consumers can now get gift ideas, discounts and coupons from their personal social circle.
The main coupon system page shows lots of data for the individual coupons too, snipped how many times and community comments. Might be I've overlooked, or not been invited to use other Facebook applications that open the way to merchants to get involved, but this is the first affiliate marketing application on Facebook that I have seen that adds value and looks like it can succeed in leveraging a social network.

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