Affiliate Marketing Blog by AMWSO

Affiliate program Tips, support, bonuses and news from merchant affiliate programs managed by the AMWSO Affiliate marketing team.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Time for the AMAB!!

It's that time of year again, big sales are ready to start coming in through the affiliate marketing channel and everyone is worrying about who is going to "Do over!" who, and of course no one has anyone to turn to and ask "Did they really do me over?"

So yet again affiliates are going to be facing off against affiliates, against merchants, against networks, and merchants against networks and affiliates and the networks will all just be happy if they can get through Christmas without any "tracking has failed" / "Server down" issues... Yes tis the season of love thy neighbor as long as sales are "in line with what I expected".

Of course on top of this everyone is also watching and waiting for google to through in a spanner and make it all a moot point anyway.

But back on track, what do you do when you're 110% sure that a merchant has not tracked, where do you go to find out what's what and what are your final options.

Certainly for many people Abestweb has been the ultimate resource since time began, for both merchants and affiliates in need of alerts, resources and background info. But ultimately ABW is a community forum and not (as such) a force that can set defined industry standards. Though it has been (and remains) one of the only locations that can demand change and accountability, it has brought about a lot change in the industry through peer pressure through the years.

Many people have discussed the creation of a "Affiliate Marketing Advertising Board" or the like, and ultimately each one has failed due to lack of planning or lack of trust (a lot of the later). So it's with great interest I see another motion kicked off to get things up and running.

So lets get the killer question out of the way :

If the industry right now can not come to an agreement on whether running consumer end software against a merchants domain is adding value or stealing value then how do we get merchants, managers, affiliates and networks to agree to stand by any decision that is made by the organization?

Maybe my question trivializes the idea, but this has been a question that has been discussed since before I got into affiliate marketing and despite numerous meetings, discussions, rules and concepts... It's still not a point everyone agrees on.... without agreement and enforceable "rules" there's no "next step"

I certainly welcome the opportunity to participate and I hope the new initiative can succeed in the areas where all others have failed.
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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Forzieri's Q4 Bonus... (yep, another one :)

As you know, it's that time of year when merchants try to entice you with cash incentives in the hope that you might get behind their program and give them a big push during the all important Q4 shopping season. Well, now it's our turn to try :)

We're offering a total of over $8,800 in cash pay-outs in our Q4 Bonus Incentive. The competition is open to all existing affiliates and all new partners who join up between now and December 21st. We've really tried to make it fair for EVERYONE, no matter what your earning level or capability is.
Now, if you're reading this and not already a Forzieri partner, below are 10 reasons why you should be:

1. Forzieri is the leader in online retail of unique and brand name Italian Apparel.
2. Forzieri frequently offers products 2-3 months in advance of stores
3. Forzieri source products directly from the designers in Italy and we offer them at the Italian price…meaning up to 50% cheaper
4. Affiliate Program hosted on Linkshare
5. Nominated 2 years consecutively in the Linkshare Golden Link Awards
6. Affiliate revenue growth of 250%(2005 vs. 2006).
7. 90 Return/tracking Days
8. 12% Commissions on every order
9. Three Datafeed Options (FTP, DataFeedFile,
10. Stunning Banner graphics, and Dynamic Rich Media links

To Sign-up at Linkshare please go here:
Back to the bonus ;)

When you enter our competition you'll be placed in a tier with partners on the same earning level as you, and this is determined by your total sales for the previous 3 months. So for example, if you earned under $500 in the last 3 months, you'll be placed in the same tier as your piers, competing for one of three $50 prizes in Tier 1. If you earned $2,000 - $5,000 you'll be competing for a $500 prize.

With 8 tiers, every active partner has a very real chance of winning some substantial cash prizes, with the top prize being $4000.

Tier Placement - Based on your Total Forzieri Sales between July 1st to October 1st 2006

Tier 1: Sales below $500
Tier 2: Sales between $500-$1,000
Tier 3: Sales between $1,000 - $2,000
Tier 4: Sales between $2,000 - $5,000
Tier 5: Sales between $5,000 - $10,000
Tier 6: Sales between $10,000 - $20,000
Tier 7: Sales between $20,000 - $40,000
Tier 8: Sales above $60,000

Prizes up for grabs:

Tier 1: First 3 partners to reach $500 are awarded $50 each

Tier 2: First 2 partners to reach $1,000 are awarded $100 each

Tier 3: First partner to reach $2,000 is awarded $200

Tier 4: First partner to reach $5,000 is awarded $500

Tier 5: First partner to reach $10,000 is awarded $800

Tier 6: First partner to reach $20,000 is awarded $1,000

Tier 7: First partner to reach $40,000 is awarded $3,000

Tier 8: First partner to reach $60,000 is awarded $4,000

Start Date: October 18th 2006 / End Date: December 21st 2006

Important Notes

You will be placed in one of the above Tiers based on your sales from the previous 3 months. You will then be competing with other affiliates of the same level for the prize on offer for that Tier.

As well as your own Tier, you may compete for any of the prizes in the Tiers above you. For example, let's say in the last 3 months your total Forzieri sales were $4,500. This would put you in Tier 4, so you would be competing for the $500 prize. However, if you managed to exceed the target for this tier ( $5,000) and achieved $10,000 in sales before any other partner, and before the deadline date of 12/21/2006, you would win the Tier 5 prize of $800. This same ruling applies to every Tier.

So, if you're a new partner you will be placed in Tier 1, but you still have the opportunity of winning the top prize of $4000!!

IMPORTANT: You must email me with your Linkshare username to participate. Email me now at > affiliate-support at

Thanks for reading....

Patrick Goodfellow
Forzieri Partner Manager

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Affiliate Sales Tools Galore for Overstock Jeweler

Hi Everyone,

I'm Allen Miller, the Affiliate Evangelist for OverstockJeweler.Com, a rock-solid, high converting designer inspired jewelry merchant running on the ShareASale network.

We have some great sales tools for affiliates to use on your websites including a new search function page enabled with queries for collection, by stone color, by motif and material here: Overstock Jeweler Search

Kicking things up another notch for partners, we have an Overstock Jeweler Celebrity Blog, where affiliates can grab the content they need to supplement their text, banner and product links for PROMOTING and CONVERTING our fabulous selection of designer inspired jewelry.

Moreover, we have new "Stainless Steel Watches" creative available in a wide range of sizes to fulfill your banner promotion needs.

Also available is a customizable HTML email with built-in 10% discount coupon code for our "New Arrivals" collection that affiliates can quickly customize with their USERID using a simple "Find and Replace" function, available in any text editor. In addition, we can alter the coupon code image, and provide you with a custom coupon code to market on your website.

The current 10% discount coupon code NEW10 is valid through October 31st,2006 and applies to all new arrival products.

Rounding things up, we have a $50 first sale bonus for any new partner that signs up the Overstock Jeweler Affiliate Program and mentions the title of this post "Affiliate Sales Tools Galore" in an email to me here.
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

LinkShare Affiliate Marketing Summit 2007

Time for another Affiliate Marketing gathering that I'd love to attend but once again will miss! I better send over one of the team though, looks like being John as he should be over in Colorado about that time soaking up the last of the winter sun :)

LinkShare Summit 2007 is going to be held from January 17 to 19, 2007 at the Hotel Nikko in San Francisco.

Registration ( Opens October 19) for the LinkShare Summit is by invitation only. Attendance is limited to maintain an intimate setting and foster dialogue among all participants. So contact your LinkShare rep now to work on getting invited!

More info is available here

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