United Airlines Sit Down Shut up and don't ask for help or else!
So we knew John would come back from the US with some great stories of people he'd met, things he done and places he'd seen. But his best story was before he even left Bangkok, courtesy of those nice people on United Airlines... you have been warned....
So John's on the plane, he has his seat and he's just waiting for the rest of the passangers to settle in. When infront he notices a Thai Chinese family with two young chidren is trying to shuffle their family into one section where they could sit together. Naturally this involved requesting a little bit of assistance from the flight attendant, those nice people who's job it is to ensure we all have a pleasant flight.
Naturally the flight attendant, okay flight "don't bother me" attendant gave this middle aged Father of two young kids about as much notice as anyone else asking for help and continued to ignore him, no intention of making any effort to help him out, ask another passanger or two to swap seats to accomodate his family. In a desperate attempt to get her attention, he took hold of her upper arm....
The reaction was instant, but not quite what everyone was expecting, shouting and screaming at the top of her voice - what no one could quite make out, but obviously the UA code word for "Violent Passanger On Board". A male flight attendant then came barging down the aisle, knocking passangers out of the way without so much as a "excuse me please" to physically assault the paying passanger and have him bundled out of the door by a couple of passanger friendly flight "fear me you economy class scum" attendants.
Naturally this went down real well with the kids who were shocked to see their father being dragged out of the airplane for trying to request help... I guess he's lucky someone didn't try to shoot him, err on the side of caution an'all that.
To add to the joys of flying with UA, John was treated to the joys of customer service at it's best at the UA counters at Denver... if an hour in a queue doesn't phase you, then try three hours in Denver.. Customer Service awards anyone?
Nothing to do with Affiliate Marketing but sure is interesting to see how customer service is done in other industries where it matters !!
So John's on the plane, he has his seat and he's just waiting for the rest of the passangers to settle in. When infront he notices a Thai Chinese family with two young chidren is trying to shuffle their family into one section where they could sit together. Naturally this involved requesting a little bit of assistance from the flight attendant, those nice people who's job it is to ensure we all have a pleasant flight.
Naturally the flight attendant, okay flight "don't bother me" attendant gave this middle aged Father of two young kids about as much notice as anyone else asking for help and continued to ignore him, no intention of making any effort to help him out, ask another passanger or two to swap seats to accomodate his family. In a desperate attempt to get her attention, he took hold of her upper arm....
The reaction was instant, but not quite what everyone was expecting, shouting and screaming at the top of her voice - what no one could quite make out, but obviously the UA code word for "Violent Passanger On Board". A male flight attendant then came barging down the aisle, knocking passangers out of the way without so much as a "excuse me please" to physically assault the paying passanger and have him bundled out of the door by a couple of passanger friendly flight "fear me you economy class scum" attendants.
Naturally this went down real well with the kids who were shocked to see their father being dragged out of the airplane for trying to request help... I guess he's lucky someone didn't try to shoot him, err on the side of caution an'all that.
To add to the joys of flying with UA, John was treated to the joys of customer service at it's best at the UA counters at Denver... if an hour in a queue doesn't phase you, then try three hours in Denver.. Customer Service awards anyone?
Nothing to do with Affiliate Marketing but sure is interesting to see how customer service is done in other industries where it matters !!
At 9:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Airlines are notorious for pulling that kind of crap. It seems that at any type of excuse they pull the "terriorist" theory out of their hats and start waiving it around. It doesn't surprise me what UA did. Everyone is on serious "edge" there. UA has to have the worst domestic service available. I will never fly an American carrier again unless I have to with no other choice. Glad to hear that John made it back in one piece.
At 8:14 PM,
hazel said…
holy cow! that's crazy! I hope that poor man was reunited with his family...
At 9:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Stories like this just make me sooo furious. Everyone just needs to take a Chill Pill
At 9:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
I would'a jumped up and grabbed a couple of inflight magazine and started to wave them around and use them as the serious weapons they are!! Have you ever got a serious papercut. MAN those things hurt.
Then I would of taken my bic pen from my purse and started jabbing at the attendents necks so that I can slurp their blood through the pen like a straw.
They would have to plea for me not to detonate my plastik explosive packed lipstick container - I tinted it red.. such a pretty color.
At 9:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
You're the type of passenger that makes me nervous on the plane. You people should be straight-jacketed before departure.
Soon, they will have these zip-up seats, where you sit down and they just zip you up inside of it.
At 11:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Bloody Hell, I didn't know that affiliate marketing was so dangerous. I will now travel again knowing that some woman wants to jab pens into flight attendant's necks to gulp down their blood.
Maybe someone should make this into a movie?
Did the man make it back? Has he flown again?
At 9:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
I heard that he was put into GITMO, and has not been heard from again since the event. It turns out that the flight attendant was an operative for the American CIA and it has caused an international incident.
At 4:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Suspicious passengers prompt in-flight scare.
Boston, Massachusetts – A United Airlines flight from Los Angeles to London was diverted to Boston early yesterday after the flight crew observed three passengers acting suspiciously, officials said.
Gail Marcinkiewicz, a spokesman for the FBI in Boston, said the three men had been questioned and released without charge.
“The matter has been resolved and these men and all the other passengers will be flying on to London,” said Mr. Marcinkiewicz.
At 3:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
What did they do "ask for more coffee!!!" Better safe than sorry I suppose but UA probably use this excuse to dump off over demanding customers.
At 7:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
we had a terrible experience with united. Basically the airline stewardess told my wife to shut the screaming baby up, which was my 6 month old girl that had a cold and was feeling poorly. She was threatening to me when I complained took the you are being obstructive I will have you arrested route. We complained via a UA rep my tour operator put me in touch with and got $500 in flight vouchers which unfortunately meant we had to fly with them again!! never again though. Virgin all the way! CHeers, Steve
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