Affiliate Marketing Blog by AMWSO

Affiliate program Tips, support, bonuses and news from merchant affiliate programs managed by the AMWSO Affiliate marketing team.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Happy New Year ... We survived

Well I'm happy to see that all the AMWSO staff arrived back safely from the New Year "fun". The Thai year used to be a very cultural and was focused around families paying respects to their elders, by pouring scented water onto the hands of their parents and grandparents, however it's now become a week of chaos, in in many cases terror and horror, where drink driving and finding new ways to inflict pain on the targets of water guns has increased each year, this year reaching a peak of people spraying diluted acid from water guns.... Happy new year.

14,000 people injured in auto accidents and 481 dead so far... I'm not sure how that compares to the New Years chaos of other countries but it does seem a bit steep to most of us here.

Anyway New Year here was a week away from the office and we're all now back with mail boxes full of correspondance and queues of affiliates waiting for approval, the downside of doing manual approvals :D

April has been a pretty quite month overall with GoodTimes Entertainment being the main pace setter, but as we head into Summer we're looking for United Shades, KegWorks and DriveWerks to pick up the pace as they come into season, and of course wedding season is coming which means Mondera will be a prime player.

New on board we have, a long time partner of CJ and, in fact the longest active client of and pretty much amongst CJs first clients too, we've got a bunch of developments coming from them and if you are keen to support a network that is dedicated to being parasite free then please take a chance to support Shareasales oldest client too.

Visa application went in last week too.... it'll be interesting to see how long the HLS hold a grude..
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